Saturday, November 19, 2016

La TECnología y El Idioma Ingles

Internet ha roto muchas barreras, entre ellas, la del acceso al conocimiento. Ahora para aprender inglés no hace falta apuntarse a una academia e ir a clases tres veces por semana. Habrá quien siga prefiriendo este método, pero, con un poco de voluntad y disciplina, se puede aprender o mejorar de forma autónoma, con ayuda de los recursos adecuados.

En la siguiente lista hay materiales de todo tipo para estudiar inglés a diferentes ritmos, con el móvil, el ordenador y otros dispositivos como principal apoyo, además de con apps especialmente diseñadas para ello. ¡Ahora solo falta ponerle ganas!

- See more at:


  1. Wow! I have been looking for this information my whole life! Never thought I'd find it in this Blog. Let me tell you a little bit about my story. I used to wish I was a little bit taller, used to wish I was a baller. Now I'm rolling down the street smoking, sipping on gin and juice. Anyway, y'all have a good day.Love you ♡

  2. I think that information is importante because, There are materials of all kinds to study English at different rates. We can learn English from browsing the Internet in English and learning it with songs, YouTube channels or with the help of social networks, we need have mobile apps to practice. Thanks for the information!!!!!

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  5. I think it is a very important opportunity for people who may work or do not have the chance to attend a university or somewhere to learn such an interesting language

  6. The Technology is very useful to learn English and it's very important for us, thanks for share this information!


  7. I believe that this information is very important as technology helps us learn English there are many ways to do it can be in videos pages in lines that help you to reinforce the 4 skills in the English language and best of all from the comfort of our Households. Thank you very much for the shared information.
